Sunday, February 16, 2014

Miles for Our Military

When I ran a marathon several years ago, it was helpful and motivating to dedicate each mile of the 26.2 as I ran it.  I ran miles for my children, my mother, my students, and so on.

As I ran this morning, I thought about the connection between a marathon and a military deployment - which almost certainly feels like a marathon for everyone involved.

My son is scheduled to return in May.  I've committed to running 100 miles (or more) before his return.  I dedicate each and every mile to him and other troops deployed so far from home.

If you need a little motivation, if you'd like to do something to support the marathon mission of our troops and their deployment, or if you'd like a really good reason to get yourself in shape, won't you join me?  Run, walk, swim, bike ... let's count those miles and let our troops know we're behind them!

Connect with me in comments or tweet me your miles @1hopefulyear  I'll keep a total tally and post the miles we've collectively logged in honor of our military.  I'll also make sure the right folks get the messaged.

Let's log some Miles for Our Military!

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